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Hawaiian LSC Officials' News

Request for Certification Form.pdf

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April, 2011

June 10, 2010

April 14, 2010

Updated Warmup Procedure for Hawaii Swimming

January 13, 2009

Happy 2009 - Hawaiian Swimming Officials!
.... State Champs, HIgh School, Zones and more in 2009.

May 16, 2008

DATE:              May 16, 2008
 TO:                   LSC General Chairs, LSC Officials Chairs
 FROM:              Paul Jones, Officials Online Testing Sub-Committee Leader
 SUBJ:               2008 Officials Online Test Updates                                
We have just completed our "Spring" updating of the online tests and we are proud to say we have listened to all of your comments and this version of the online tests includes the following revisions:
1.       Questions corrected to read exactly as the wording is stated in the 2008 Rulebook.
2.       Masters Swimming questions that created confusion and a high percentage of errors were deactivated.
3.       New Masters Swimming questions were added per the USA 2008 Rulebook and that are to be answered only from the USA 2008 Rulebook.
4.       We added 18 new questions to the database for current and future use.
5.       We have added 2-part scoring to all tests so that the questions and references will each be scored separately with a total overall test score.
6.       We have added an "LSC" confirmation box to help eliminate notes being sent to the incorrect LSC Officials Chair.
7.       We have added a "field" for Officials to enter the name(s) of their respective clinic trainers or instructors.
8.       We have added a NEW COMBINED Re-Certification test for Stroke/Turn and Timer. The old Re-Certification test for Stroke and Turn has been deactivated.
Effective immediately you may begin using the USA-S Online Testing Website with the 2008 Rulebook.
Your USA Online Testing Sub-Committee thanks you for all of your patience and support during the period.
Your USA Online Testing Sub-Committee

January 9, 2008

Message From Mr. Breiding:
This is a message requesting help to officiate the Western Blue Section of the Western Zone Speedo Championship meet located in Federal Way, WA, from March 5 through March 9.  Meet information is about to be sanctioned and available (but not quite, yet).
The following LSCs are slated for attending the Western Blue Section of the Western Zone Speedo Championship meet located in Federal Way, WA. Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Inland Empire, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Pacific Northwest, Snake River, Utah, Wyoming.
I am the meet referee and I am requesting your help in soliciting officials applications to work the meet.  I obtained your name and e-mail address either through your LSC or USA Swimming website as the listed officials chair.  I am asking you to share the attached application with your officials in hopes that those traveling to Federal Way, WA for the meet would apply to work the meet.  Your assistance in this request will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, very much!
Ken Breiding

May 16, 2005 Testing Requirement
May 16, 2005 Instructions for Officials On-Line test
May 13, 2005
Current Hawaii Officials: Because of the new on-line Official's Exam which will take effect May 15, 2005, we are asking that all Hawaii Officials please retake the on-line test after May 15, 2005, even if your card expires at the end of the calendar year 2005.
You will also need to attend an official's clinic during this current 2004-2005 year and successfully work a minimum of four sessions for stroke and turn and starter, and six sessions for referee. This will make all Hawaii officials current at this present time.  The Official's Committee is implementing a data-base for record keeping of our Hawaii officials (clinics attended, tests & recertification tests taken, annual registration, Age group & other meets worked during the year, etc.)
Your participation in taking the on-line test will greatly assist us in bringing our record keeping up to date.
We would also like you to do a self-evaluation to find out where you would like to be in six months, one year, two years (what level of officiating), so we may be more efficient in moving officials up in responsibility if they so desire.
As a reminder, you should complete the on-line tests no later than August  31, 2005 (before short course season starts) to make sure you take all the necessary steps for re-certification.  If we do not receive word from you, you will be put into an "inactive" file. 
If you are not familiar with the certification requirements, you should go to the usaswimming.org website under Volunteers - Officials and look for the "minimum requirements" where various certifications are explained.
If you are a current, certified Official, please let us know the following:
Did you receive a name tag         ____   (Y)       ____   (N)
Did you receive new shirt            ____   (Y)       ____   (N)
Please respond to your Officials Chair for your island or to the Officials Co-Chair Marcelle Arakaki at <marcelle@hawaii.com>.
Big Island:  Audrey Kagawa  <audkagawa@hawaii.rr.com>
Maui:  Lyle Matsunaga  <lylem@maui.net>
Kauai:  Kim Hester  <hesterra1@verizon.net>
Oahu:  Marcelle Arakaki  <marcelle@hawaii.com>
Thank you for your assistance!

April 2005

Application to Officiate at the Western Zone Swimming Championship in Kearns Oquirrh Park Fitness Center Salt Lake City, Utah August 9-13, 2005

July 30, 2002
Backstroke Start.
  Volume 1 Issue 1 - Summer 1998