A few visiting swimmers from the Canadian National Team helped Age Group and Masters Mauian's (and a few visiting Oahuan's) brave the frigid waters off Maui's Makena Coast Sunday Morning for Maui Masters Seventh Annual Polar Bear Fin Swim.
Results follow/attached in html and word document format below.  Choose results by age group, overall, or men/women overall results.
"The only sane Polar Bear Swim in the world" had a great showing with 72 entrants, a beautiful day, and the recent snow-capped Haleakala draining down keeping the swimmers from overheating.
Coming out of the water first for the USA-S (Age Group) swimmers were two visiting Canadians from BC: Ryan Cochrane 32:32 and Desmond Stelzow 33:03.  For the USA-S Women, local South Maui Shark Marilyn Leist flippered up the beach in a time of 36:45 followed closely by teammate Kira Smith in 36:36.
For masters, Malcolm Cooper (34:05) for the men and Janet Renner+Jamie Maddock (37:42 tie) for the women were first out of the water to savor the flavor of a Klondike bar.
Pictures are available at http://www.tropicallight.com/races2/29jan06pb/index.html ... contact Don Bloom don@tropicallight.com for permission to use any photos.

