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List of Events_|_Warmup Policy_|_Recap Form_|_Master Entry

Keo Nakama Swimming Invitationals

Hosted by Hawaii Swimming Club

This is the WarmUp Procedures

The following procedure has been established to insure continuing safe-swim meet conduct. The purpose of these procedures is to prevent accidents. Although the Meet Safety Director is responsible for the safe conduct of all aspects of the meet, anyone seeing an unsafe condition or activity should stop the activity immediately.

Open Lane Warm Ups has been selected for this meet.

The procedure will be:

1. The designated time frame for warm-ups is as indicated in the schedule. Coaches must be on deck supervising and all swimmers must enter the pool at the starting (shallow) end of the pool with a feet-first entry.

2. At the designated and announced time period, the pool is to be altered to accommodate the following configurations:

a. Lanes 1 &8: Pace lanes - feet-first entry, one or two lengths of the pool beginning at the starting (shallow) end only with circle swimming on the right.

b. Lanes 2 &7: Sprint lanes - racing start, beginning at the starting (shallow) end only one length of the pool.

c. Lanes 3 &6: Open swimming with circle swimming on the right, with faster swimmers having the right of way. No paddles, feet-first entry only.

During the Meet: No warm-up/warm-down will be allowed

During Lunch Break: No warm allowed, only if supervised by a USS certified coach

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